Sunday, 12 February 2017

Believe in yourself.

Five ways to live your life with no regrets.

1.  Follow Your Own Yellow Brick Road.

Too many people live their lives based on what other people think.  They disregard pursuing their hopes and dreams for fear of ridicule and judgement.  Don't let that be you!!  Enjoy your individuality, choose to be strong, don't listen to the naysayers.... dance proudly down the Yellow Brick Road to find your Emerald City.  Step into your dream and create the life you want.

2.  Always Be A First-Rate Version Of Yourself.

In the whole history of what ever was or what ever will be, there will never be another you....Ever!!  Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, think positively.  Put your best foot forward, refuse to compromise who you are and what you believe in.  Act with the utmost integrity, walk tall knowing you are doing the best you can in all circumstances.  Look after your health, your wealth and your loved ones.  Raise your personal standards, if needs be, to be someone who you trust implicitly, spread your wings and Fly.

3.  Appreciate The People You Love.

There is no escaping the fact that loved ones are not going to be here forever.  It's an unfortunate fact of life. Realise that no matter how much time, or how much you appreciate someone, or how much closeness you feel, it will never seem like you managed to spend enough time together.  Don't shy away from the people you love.  Open your heart honestly, tell them what you need to tell them, say the words, have the conversations, no matter how awkward or uncomfortable.  They will appreciate your honesty.  Leave a footprint on their heart.

4.  Live The Life You Love.

Before you know it you will be asking yourself the question, "Where did the time go?".  Life is over in a flash.  It is made up of a collection of moments that express happiness and sadness, each lived one second at a time.  Take the opportunity to figure yourself out, realise what you want out of life, take calculated risks, hold on tight to what you love.  What makes you, YOU!!  Work hard to make your dreams come true, grasp opportunities that come your way.  Look for signposts on your journey to show you, you are living a life that you love.  Life is shorter than you think.

5.  Step Up To The Plate.

When life get tough, the tough get going!!  If life doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.  As an individual, in order to live, we need to grow.  Putting one foot in front of the other, allows you to push through life's greatest challenges.  Trust that you are going to succeed, reach for your full potential and stay positive.  Forget the mistakes of the past and embrace the future.  Today is a new day, the first day of the rest of your life.  Spend today with no your truth!!


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